Saturday, October 7, 2017

Rise and Read & Barnes' Bistro

What do baseball players and pianists have in common? In order to get better at what they do, they have to practice. Similarly, in order for anyone to become a better reader, they have to practice. We know it is important for students to have opportunities to build their love of reading by having time to practice reading books of their own choosing.

This is where Rise and Read comes in. From 9:00-9:20 every day, every student and adult at KES are reading. The atmosphere in our learning community has transformed with the implementation of this designated time. We are talking more about books. When I ask students what they are reading, they eagerly tell me about their latest read and make recommendations to me about what I should read next. Students stop me in the hall and ask me what I am reading. As a leader in our learning community, I consider this blissful.

Another highlight to the start of our school year is my interactions with students during Barnes' Bistro.  This is an annual tradition during which I invite six students at a time to have lunch with me in my office. We play soft music and dim the lights...hence the transformation into the "Bistro." It is a great opportunity for me to build relationships with students, and something they have come to look forward to each fall.

As we look toward the end of the month, the following guidelines will help you prepare for our Halloween parade scheduled for October 27. (More details will be shared closer to the date of the parade).
  • Masks, excessive face paint, or other props that disguise student faces are not permitted.
  • Weapons, replicas of weapons, violent themes and the like are prohibited.
  • If you intend to take your student home directly after the parade, you MUST send in a note on or before Thursday, October 26.  PHONE CALLS WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED.  

Thursday, August 24, 2017

Back to School 2017-2018

The days before students return are very exciting in an elementary school. Classrooms get transformed into spaces where children will learn, collaborate, and grow. The walls and halls take on new life with welcoming displays. Teachers participate in professional learning to prepare them to be the very best teachers they can be as the new school year begins.

As the principal, I get to watch this transformation take place throughout the school, and with it, my anticipation grows. One of the things I am most excited about this year is our "Rise & Read" initiative. Students and staff will spend the first 20 minutes of our day reading. Research proves that, just like musicians practice their instrument or athletes practice their sport, readers must practice to excel at reading. This 20 minutes daily will provide practice time above and beyond the instructional time students get with their teachers. 

We also want to remind you that Every Minute
Matters when your child is at school. To that end, please make sure your child is at school on time, every day. Appointments, if they must be scheduled during the day, would be preferably scheduled in the early AM or late PM, so your child can be in school for the majority of the day.

I look forward to partnering with you to make 2017-2018 a fantastic year at KES. I encourage you to volunteer, come to a KESPC meeting, or find other ways to be involved in our learning community.

I can't wait to see your children on Monday!

Yours in Education,

Deb Barnes

Thursday, June 8, 2017

2016-2017 Accomplishments

I started this school year by asking teachers not to be "A" teacher but to be "THE" teacher. Not to make this "A" school but to make it "THE" school. The difference between "A" and "THE" is just two letters but the message conveyed is monumental. We want every student to feel the have THE best teacher and every family to feel they are part of THE best school. 

Students at KES spent the year collaborating, learning, exploring, sharing, developing. I am so proud of their accomplishments, which include:

  • Setting and achieving their own goals
  • Growing leaps and bounds as readers, writers, mathematicians, and scientists
  • Participating in leadership opportunities such as Safety Patrol and Cougar Council
  • Creating music to delight and entertain their family and friends
  • Cultivating a garden 
  • Noting seasonal changes by observing trees
  • Broadening their understanding as citizens by visiting our state capitol and the site where our nation's democracy was crafted
  • Sharing the gift of reading with each other in school-wide fashion
  • Giving back to the community through collections for local food pantries and donations for pets
Our students are THE best and I am so proud to be their principal. My very best wishes for a wonderful, safe summer. KEEP READING!

Saturday, April 1, 2017

A Community of Readers, Writers, Learners

Back in the fall, KES held its first-ever school-wide read aloud. In preparation for our author visit with Lisa Schnell, students read her book, High Tide for Horseshoe Crabs with their teachers and then, partnered with another KES cougar to read in pairs.

The buzz of ALL KES students reading the same book at the same time was electric and we decided this was something we wanted to try again.


So, our Instructional Leadership Team embarked on a quest to find our next read-aloud and landed on The Book With No Pictures by B.J. Novak. This quirky book has fun with words and is pure enjoyment for the reader. I read the book aloud to the entire school and then each student had an opportunity to create their own book with no pictures.

Our Cougar Council (student representatives from each of the fourth and fifth grade classes) then planned an event in conjunction with our March assembly with Rand Whipple of Box of Light Theater. Mr. Whipple performed a lively read-aloud of FOUR books authored by KES students. 

Our students then gathered this Friday to share their stories with students from their partner grade-level. Again, the excitement was contagious and the laughter far-reaching as the children shared the books THEY authored.

We are a community of readers, writers, and learners. It is activities such as these that warm my heart and make me proud to be a part of such a fantastic school.

Monday, March 20, 2017

Welcome to Our New Format!

Hello KES Families! I am excited to share a new format for Barnes' Bulletin. This will allow me to communicate more often with you, allow you to comment on the blog, and provide you with up-to-date information about what is happening at KES.